Sensing Logical Extratim
Model A
Type abbreviations: SLE, ESTp, FL
Ego Block Elements: SeTi (
Nicknames: Conqueror, Legionnaire, Marshal, Zhukov, or archetype Georgy Zhukov.
WS Composite - The Conqueror
SLEs are strong-willed, independently-minded individuals who are able to recognize levels of willpower and motivation in others. They are almost always collected and ready for action. They are adept at organizing others effectively towards any given objective, and have no problem "getting the job done," even if it requires stepping on a few toes. They will take the initiative and act at the opportune moment. SLEs will often act without complete information, improvising as they go, but are successful nonetheless. Instability energizes them, as they are active people who think clearly on the move and tend to be unsatisfied with a stationary, peaceful lifestyle.SLEs easily spot power dynamics within any given structure, hierarchy or relationship, and strive for a secure position where they are less subordinate to others. At the same time, SLEs are comfortable with hierarchies, and recognize that they are a necessary part of everyday life. SLEs may sometimes seem dismissive of those of a lower social status, as if they were weak or inferior in some way. Likewise, they see dependence as weakness, and so strive to minimize their dependence on others, especially in their personal relationships.
SLEs' energetic and direct nature tends to make them natural leaders. They are quick to assume this role, even in alien or unfamiliar environments. They usually adopt a direct administrative style and build a bureaucratic structure beneath them over time. They will take full responsibility for their actions, and understand these terms when they take a leadership-based role within a group, company or organization as being part of what leadership is about.
SLEs are highly observant and take note of all the objects present in their surroundings. They are well aware of which objects they have, and which they want, and tend to be possessive of their property. At the same time, they also have a generous streak and can easily bestow gifts and share their property with others to demonstrate acceptance of the other person or people.
SLEs are inquisitive people. They are generally clear, consistent and systematic in their actions. They value competency and have an appreciation for method, viewing these things as vehicles through which strength, power and influence are demonstrated, values that SLEs consider important.While SLEs see logical systems and structured views as necessary in life, they will often view said systems and views as changeable or expendable. Their use of Ti is flexible. They tend to gather - either legitimately or illegitimately - and retain information which they deem useful in attaining their goals.
SLEs come to their own conclusions about the world, although they tend towards simple generalizations. Because the SLE's ideas are influenced by their own agenda, they can be more subjective than they claim to be; they are skilled at using objective truths to help them achieve their goals. It can be very difficult to argue with an SLE; rarely will they submit to another's logic, since they believe that their own logic is so well developed. SLEs will often refuse to take others' advice - even to their own detriment - as they can have difficulty seeing viewpoints that differ from their own (though this may also be a matter of pride). They also have the tendency to compare others' plans to their own, and because of their confidence, will often consider them inferior or offer critique from their own point of view.
SLEs are largely unaware of others' hidden potential and abilities, since they size up people based on visible qualities and behavior. As a result, their judgments of people may appear simplistic or one-dimensional, and they may seriously misjudge or underestimate the capabilities of others, leading to surprises and sometimes rude awakenings. Likewise, SLEs may fail to recognize long-term opportunities in the world around them as they pursue the more readily visible and immediately available routes to success.To make up for their weakness in assessment of possibilities, SLEs may hesitate to act, believing that they are increasing the amount of opportunities they will have. Instead, they end up using none, thus failing to attain the results they were aiming for. In this sense, the SLE would have been much better off following his instincts in the first place. Many SLEs are aware of this, and simply prefer not to search for hidden opportunities and avoid this weakness altogether.
When it comes to future planning, SLEs speak with confidence and apparent optimism, although in actuality, they rarely feel confident in positive outcomes and further possibilities. They may also consider advanced planning unnecessary for trivial circumstances, as they prefer to act impulsively.
Despite their highly observant nature, SLEs are careful to avoid appearing too eager for knowledge. They become suspicious when others are overly curious about them and ask too many searching questions. SLEs are more comfortable asking and responding to specific questions that are relevant to the context rather than general ones whose purpose is unknown. When the information being exchanged is too broad and general, SLEs may wonder what the point is or whether someone is planning to use that information to take advantage of them. Concerns about revealing too much information about themselves and their activities sometimes makes SLEs appear paranoid and secretive.
SLEs have trouble evaluating the internal emotional state of others unless it is accompanied by a visible emotional expression. When unable to do so, they become uneasy. When an individual expresses negative emotions, SLEs feel that they are unable to offer the support needed; they get uncomfortable and confused, and as a result, will not respond appropriately to the situation or will react in a way which is unhelpful to the individual. SLEs themselves constantly seem emotionally guarded, and so very rarely will anyone actually have the chance to "comfort" the SLE in the everyday use of the word. The best way to do so is to let the emotion run its course.SLEs often tread carefully when it comes to interpersonal relationships because they recognize their inherent weakness in this function. They feel the need to not only be respected, but also to be held dear by others, precisely because they feel inept when it comes to relationships. Often their behavior will have the opposite effect of what they were hoping for; if they are trying to protect someone, that someone may view their "protection" as pure jealousy, and thus will attempt to break away. The SLE will respond with further limitations in order to counter what they believe is irrational rebelliousness, perhaps causing a breakdown of said relationship. Despite this, SLEs can without extra effort manage to maintain a superficial - purely physical or formal - relationship. Their IEI duals, however, have an understanding of SLEs; they know how to react with Fe in accordance with the SLE's mood, and thereby tactfully avoid incurring any misunderstanding.
To ease their doubts about their relationships with others, SLEs are sincere when it comes to establishing new bonds with others; they feel it is important to inform others of their true nature so that they will not be taken by surprise when the SLE acts in a certain way. Likewise, the SLE will often prefer to take the initiative in establishing new friendships and relationships. This is partly due to the fact that SLEs fear psychological distance; taking a more upfront and aggressive approach would allow him to more accurately observe those around him, while removing the possibility of one's gradual avoidance of the SLE.
SLEs are under the impression that they might gain respect or admiration from others, but can never be truly loved by anyone. Sometimes, SLEs can become paranoid about their relationships with others; they often mistrust declarations of affection, and so can appear insecure.
Since SLEs are such active, action-oriented individuals, they are often far more confident about their present situation than its broader implications. SLEs are attracted to people who can unearth connections between ideas and occurrences, thus collecting the "snapshots" of the present offered by SLEs and fitting them into a broader understanding of reality. SLEs long for a sense of some greater meaning in their lives beyond the immediately physical or material. They admire people who feel part of something greater than themselves and are not so dependent on the material world around them.SLEs often develop their suggestive function through an interest in that which is hidden, mysterious, or eccentric. Learning about and discussing these things helps them overcome their habit of making quick assumptions, and gives them a more profound understanding of the world around them.
The SLE is impulsive, but at the same time quite conscious of the need to keep his impulsivity in check. He thus appreciates people who are confident in their ability to predict where present trends are leading and to pinpoint when to initiate action and when to refrain from it.
SLEs find themselves unable to adequately raise an emotionally dull atmosphere, which is why they greatly appreciate another individual proficient in this function. SLEs naturally gravitate towards warm, cheerful atmospheres. If an SLE makes a social move that doesn't get the emotional response he expects, he will feel uneasy or offended e.g. if no one laughs at a joke he tells.In large groups or groups of new acquaintances, SLEs sometimes inadvertently estrange themselves from everyone else, which may give off a negative impression. The SLE may assume this contrary attitude in order to seek Fe while preserving the atmosphere of the group. If another individual shows acceptance of the SLE, he will immediately brighten and join the now warmer emotional mood. Alternatively, if the SLE fails to receive the desired emotional cues, he will further distance himself from the situation, highly averse to "being a drag" to the group dynamic.
There seems to be an "emotional contradiction" with the SLE; there is a constant internal struggle to both reveal to others their true feelings and a desire to guard themselves from adverse people or situations. He finds it extremely difficult - almost unnatural - to express his deepest feelings about an experience he's had. SLEs try to avoid looking vulnerable, weak or dependent, which is why they appear to be such closely guarded individuals. SLEs will, like any other logical type, attempt to keep their feelings under control and subordinate to their reasoning. They refuse to let their emotions complicate professional relationships, and make a conscious effort to maintain the same emotionality with all.
SLEs are unable to suppress the manifestations of their moods, and thus greatly appreciate individuals who can deal with their sudden, uncontrollable outbursts of emotions. For many SLEs, expressive activities such as acting, musical performance or even religion serve as ideal "ethical vents", helping to give them the emotional release they struggle to find in other areas of society.
SLEs are aware of how something makes them feel, but give little concern to it. (They will not, however, refrain from expressing their physical attraction or desire towards another individual.)SLEs effortlessly manage to create an environment of comfort for themselves, but this comfort extends to very little, as they see no need to occupy themselves with creating excessively cozy atmospheres. As long as SLEs are not overly unhealthy or malnourished, they're unconcerned with what they eat and drink. SLEs are quite capable of living with the bare minimum and not feeling disturbed or unsettled by their circumstances. This gives the SLE the ability to ignore discomfort and tedium, powering through such obstacles in order to accomplish their goals.
SLEs have the ability to pick out information which will help them achieve a goal; they will often refer to well-known facts, statistics and historical examples to back up their claims. Often their own viewpoint will remain standing in the face of a majority opinion, as they know how to formulate a strong argument. SLEs will often question the authenticity or reliability of informational sources, preferring not to use those which are doubtful or which have been proven wrong in the past. They enjoy learning about a wide variety of things, and are motivated by the prospect of rewards and status; they like to prove their authority and skills e.g. through a large amount of academic awards or extra curricular certificates.SLEs are very practical, hard-working individuals. They know how to utilize their time effectively in order to reach any given goal, and have no problem discerning efficiency and utility from incompetence and uselessness. Nonetheless, they retain a kind of "don't care" attitude when it comes to productivity and effectiveness. They feel that it is a waste of time to sit around and discuss efficiency, and would rather act effectively. SLEs may playfully mock those who they believe are "obsessed" with productivity, efficiency or effective action.
SLEs often assume the role of someone who is always ready to assist people in their practical affairs, even to the point of others' annoyance or offense to the SLE's obtrusiveness (which is simply enthusiasm to the SLE). They enjoy receiving thanks for their services, and take full responsibility for their actions. Their intentions towards others in this area are generally always good.
WSS - The Conqueror
SLEs are ambitious, active individuals who are unparalleled in their ability to get what they want. Rapidly in tune with the lay of their surroundings, SLEs see the world around them as a battleground of wills, with each person competing for greater power and status. They are best at acting spontaneously and immediately to secure their goals in the present, getting an immediate sense of what is happening around them and what they need to do in order to stay ahead of competitors. In a state of emergency, they will be the first to respond, doing what is necessary to combat a particular threat, safeguarding their lives as well as those of others. Even in non-emergency situations, SLEs resolve to be the victor of skirmishes and are happy to pit themselves against others in order to win, utilising whatever resources are at their disposal to get an advantage. To SLEs, an obstacle is a challenge to be overcome, and they readily push against an issue with sheer determination until it folds under their will. Although not necessarily strong or able-bodied, SLEs have a natural physical presence and indefatigable determination that commands attention of others and allows them to dominate their surroundings, taking charge as a matter of course and forcing others to submit to their authority. SLEs enjoy the thrill of competition and tend to respect those who challenge or resist them, while looking upon those too lazy or weak-minded to stand up for themselves with disdain. Such an approach is not out of malice or destructive desires, but rather comes from a world-view where the greatest expression of life is competition between opposing forces and those most deserving of happiness in life are those willing to fight for it.Creative-Ti
In order to have their way, SLEs have a strong command of the various logical systems that necessitate or restrict coercive pressures on others. SLEs know expertly how to use the law, their position in the hierarchy of a group or boundaries and ultimatums of their own creation to maintain control of a situation. As such, SLEs are quickly able to bring order to chaos. Similarly, they are capable of exploiting loopholes in a system, so as to find permitted ways of succeeding where others have failed. In this way, structures become the perfect tool for SLEs to consolidate their power and ensure their success. Furthermore it grants a linear approach to their use of force, with SLEs usually setting out what they intend to do and following through in a natural progression, rather than erratically switching between different goals. SLEs also use their logic to make their arguments and debates more persuasive, giving clear reasons for their opinions and ruthlessly breaking down the flawed reasoning of others. Despite this, SLEs are not necessarily obedient to the rules of others, and although able to use rules to their advantage, may act in contempt of the system should they know they are able to get away with it due to weak leadership or a lack of enforcement. Similarly with hierarchy, SLEs will be aware of their particular rank but be unsatisfied until they are at the top and the boss of everyone else, challenging and eventually conquering the system rather than paying deference to superiors. Once at the top, SLEs set to work tailoring the system to handle any threat to their position.Super-Ego
SLEs prefer direct, tangible ways of interacting with their surroundings, seeing a problem or obstacle and prevailing against it. Nevertheless, they are aware of the need to be able to consider alternative plans of action and to be able to switch to a second option should their first prove unachievable due to unexpected circumstances. For this reason, SLEs are able to consider a multitude of possible options when necessary and can, when needed, flexibly adapt to changing circumstances. They may be open to new propositions and solutions when the most immediate and impacting approaches have been exhausted and thinking outside the box is required. SLEs are usually tolerant of otherwise confusing or unlikely scenarios, usually relying on their quick thinking and strong awareness of their immediate surroundings in order to improvise and pull through. However, the continued need to account for multiple eventualities can be a bother for SLEs, who would rather just tackle a particular issue and move on to the next. Instead, they favour the efforts of others to envision a long-term plan, which selects the likeliest probability to work towards and cutting out all the superfluous paths to success.Vulnerable-Fi
The toughness of SLEs can often be a barrier to the formation of close, comfortable relationships with others. Usually SLEs will be largely focused on what they can achieve or win when interacting with the world, and will tend to overlook the personal sensitivities of others and whether what they are doing might hurt an individual's feelings. As such, battle-hardened SLEs have frequent trouble establishing appropriate distance and closeness with others, where a certain amount of equality and a mutual sense of belonging is required. SLEs can be so focused on winning or possessing others, that they may have difficulty belonging to someone else and letting the other make decisions for the pair. For this reason, SLEs do better with a partner who can maintain the illusion of submission to them, while influencing them back in subtle, more emotional ways. They may harshly, but unintentionally, cause great upset to those closest to them, or similarly overwhelm strangers and acquaintances with their hard approach. SLEs readily consider what they need to do in order to succeed, but are often negligent when it comes to speculating on how such actions may fit with an interior moral compass, not stopping to think about their inner attitudes and whether it feels right with their conscience. Usually SLEs have little patience for those who may object to their behaviours on personal, subjective grounds, and will usually pay little heed to such disagreements. This can lead to people condemning their personal character and criticising them as overly brutal or even soulless. Similarly, SLEs may frequently hunger for intense, physical contact with others, but forget to think about the quality of their relationship with a person, making them feel used or exploited. This can result in SLEs leading a promiscuous lifestyle, enjoying having partners without taking care to think about the deeper meaning of their relations.Super-Id
SLEs best function spontaneously, seizing an advantage in the present based on their desires or ambitions at that moment. As such, they are far less accustomed to considering the longer-term outcomes of their actions, where winning a battle may inadvertently lead to losing the war. SLEs may enjoy intense, vigorous action in the day to day and working to establish dominance of their surroundings, but can find that excessive action without due consideration of the higher purpose of why they are doing something can lead to a superficial existence of empty conflicts. However, while SLEs are frequently certain as to what they need to do in the here and now to get what they want, they are more unsure in terms of what these short-term decisions may lead to in the long run. SLEs need to feel that their actions are contributing to some kind of big picture, so that their struggles mean something important, rather than being petty squabbles. For this reason, SLEs greatly desire a cause to believe in and work towards or a destiny to play a part in. They tend to be very responsive to those who can visualise such a cause and, if accepting of a particular path, will endeavour to align their actions with it. This provides a much needed sense of fulfilment to SLEs and uplifts their actions into something more profound and meaningful. Furthermore, the lack of attention to long-term consequences can result in SLEs being reckless, where by placing too much confidence in their ability to handle situations in the moment, they might rush into things too soon when the situation requires adequate preparation and planning.Mobilizing-Fe
The concrete ambitions of SLEs are supported by their desire for others to recognise their achievements. Prestige and status are the markers of success for SLEs and when able to, are likely to make public demonstrations of their wealth or power. Often such demonstrations are big and ostentatious, showing off the resources they have accumulated or other assets they have in order to impress. Furthermore, SLEs tend to enjoy expressing their opinions and to others, measuring the value of what they say in the reactions they are able to garner from those around them. They also tend to enjoy being the centre of attention, trying to be the funniest or most admired person in any group they happen to occupy. In such moments, where everyone is focusing on them, SLEs tend to feel most proud of what they have accomplished. However, due to SLEs' lack of sensitivity to the individual delicacies of others, there is a chance that they may say something inappropriate or offensive, upsetting people and making them come across to others as an unpleasant or unsavoury person. Such situations, where an SLE can quickly go from a celebrated leader to a social pariah, tend to be a source of great dismay to SLEs, although they are unlikely to show their own hurt to others in public, not wanting to air any vulnerabilities they might have to others. Regardless of group acceptance, SLEs enjoy testing and pushing the emotional reactions of others, and may try to see how far they can go with others, as while being able to control situations is easy for them, being able to manipulate the emotional responses in others is a more challenging task to master.Id
Although aware of the sensory needs and limits of their body, SLEs prefer to lead a strenuous life, pushing their body to its limits and overcoming physical challenges. SLEs have a varying approach to materialism, usually preferring to live a tough, Spartan life with few luxuries, so that they do not get weakened by softness. Instead, they may frequently exercise or seek to build up their bodies to be ready for any challenge that faces them. They may even try to push those who they see as overly restful, disturbing the tranquility and forcing them to react on instinct. However, SLE appreciate luxury in the form of the status symbols and concrete displays of their power, so may indulge for this reason. Should they enjoy rest and leisure, it is because it is a sign of their ownership of leisure, and they may be very generous in inviting others to share in the enjoyable lifestyle they alone are able to provide. However, most apparent is their willingness to tolerate a great deal of physical pain in order to win the challenges they set for themselves. The willpower of SLEs is necessarily connected to the ignoring of inconveniences and even flesh wounds to secure their goals, with them knowing that suffering no pain often results in no gain. Furthermore, SLEs tend to have a good sense of aesthetic when cultivating an appearance. However, such an approach is rarely peaceful or harmonious with the environment, instead, trying to push out against it for maximum impact. As such, SLEs may choose to dress sharply or provocatively to maximise their effect on the environment.Demonstrative-Te
The ability to quickly get a sense what is happening in their immediate environment is only matched by SLEs' ability to know exactly what needs to be done and how it can best be done to the greatest effect. SLEs tend to be highly competent and pragmatic in their thinking, usually being confident in their ability to handle any practical problem they are faced with. Similarly they are very good at learning new information on the fly and tend to catch on to how things work quickly in a new situation, allowing them to soon gain mastery over new environments. However, SLEs are largely uninterested in the idea of continuously updating and tweaking how they do things in order to improve their methodologies and processes. Such an approach feels unnecessary to SLEs, who would much rather tackle each situation as it comes and use their will and wits in the moment to succeed. That they should learn from each experience and improve for its own sake, with no particular challenge to overcome, sounds too dry and boring to SLEs' tastes and they would much rather save such thinking to their instincts and adrenaline. Similarly, SLEs are less interested in looking at what can be done improve features of processes around them, being more interested in increasing their impact on the world and gaining admiration for doing so.[1]
Model G
Marshall in four words: grasp / snap, action, maneuvers, while inability to curb his instincts.[2]
Social Mission: Force action, Forceful actions
FP | F- into P+ (Se- into Te+)
Marshal is the realizator, the implementer of the Beta quadra. His mission is to act resolutely in situations of fierce competition.[3]
Marshalls are one of the best competitive people out there. They want to show off their tenacity, audacity, and to impress us with their feats. However, the society really needs them to use this talent to expand useful activity of organizations, to capture new markets, and to bring in new resources.[4]
SHS - The Marshal
Social Mission
Leading -Se
A decisive person who is able to exert forceful pressure if the situation requires it. Determined to win at any cost. The more obstacles they meet on the way, the more collected they become and the more active they advance. They are sure that they are right, to them doubts and hesitations are alien. Categorical in assessments. The last word is reserved for them. Issues an ultimatum: "since you have chosen me, now obey." Knows how to find the enemy's weakest point. If a direct attack does not bring success, they start bypassing from the side or from the rear. Often acts through third parties.Creative +Te
A good person who knows how to put things right. Benefits from any enterprise. In business, they are not inclined to save money. Does not appreciate small amounts. Thrifty only when it concerns large amounts. They have craft skills. However, if the workload is heavy, they will hire people to do it for them. They like to operate complex equipment in extreme situations. They also check people in action, throwing the untrained "fish" immediately into the depths.Social Adaptation
Role-playing -Ne
They periodically become pensive. They withdraw into themselves, reflecting on the prospects of business and newly opening opportunities. By forcing themselves, they achieve what others seem almost impossible. Boldly answers the challenge when their abilities are questioned. They consider themselves endowed with an extraordinary mind. They are able to capture the situation as a whole. Flexibly rebuilds if the case has lost perspective. In public, they demonstrate their erudition and fundamental knowledge with pleasure. Does not mind acting as a patron or philanthropist.Launching +Fe
If brought to bear, they are capable of manifesting merciless rage. At such moments, they cannot stop in anger. Very passionate. They love competitions, noisy companies, where you can relax and emotionally discharge. They love to be inspired and uplifted. Their emotional state largely depends on the emotions of others. Likes to listen to music, it creates peace of mind for them.Creative Self-Realization
Demonstrative -Ti
In their mind, they calculate various plans of action well, stopping at the most logical for a given situation. They handle tasks with ingenuity. Able to group people around them for a specific purpose. Everyone is assigned a clear place in their team. Confidently coordinates joint actions. They control only the key points, without delving into the details. They are interested in the result, not the process. They try to explain everything simply and clearly, giving clear examples. They capture and understand the logic of other people's actions well, so only those who constantly change it can win against them. In non-standard, illogical situations, they become lost.Manipulative +Ni
They perceive well the words of reassurance, positive forecasts, and faith in the future. Pessimism and superstition anger them. They are calmed and relaxed by an easy, hassle-free style of communication, and an optimistic worldview. For any case, they allocate a period of time, after which they make a final decision: to continue it or stop it. Does not consider anomalies. Time softens their hard temper. Having suffered a number of inexplicable defeats, they begin to think about fate, they can turn to religion, do charity work.Inflation
Brake -Fi
They find it difficult to establish personal relationships with people in an informal situation. Intolerant and uncompromising, prone to dictatorship in relationships. Doesn't believe that pure, platonic relationships exist. They often declare that they are "for justice" - for equal relations with everyone. However, they have their favorites and their hated. They are good only for those who respect their friends and oppose their enemies. They build themselves a system of ethical values, which often does not agree with the generally accepted one. They do not tolerate well when personal obligations are demanded of them. Those to whom they have become attached to, they do not let go for a long time. They strive to make others dependent on them in every possible way, to "tame."Controlling +Si
Comfort, good material conditions for life - their cherished desire. Strives to ensure this for themselves and their loved ones. Without it, they feel unfulfilled, a failure. Does not respect people who are frail, with poor physical fitness. Proud of their good physical shape or very worried if it is not. Because of their immoderation of inclinations, they quickly squander the natural reserve of health. They are offended if they are called an uncaring person. Appearance is either non-demonstrative or emphatically status. They have a poorly developed sense of harmony and aesthetic taste. Strongly subject to physical instincts, in particular sexual activities. Bodily needs are satisfied before spiritual ones.[5]
[1] WSS, SLE - The Conqueror
[2] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2017), Sociotype in four words
[3] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2018), Social mission. Beta quadra sociotypes
[4] u/Radigand (2021), Social Mission - A Closer Look
[5] SHS, SLE - The Marshal
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