Logical Intuitive Extratim
Model A
Type abbreviations: LIE, ENTj, PT
Ego Block Elements: TeNi (
Nicknames: Enterpriser, Pioneer, Jack, or archetype Jack London.
WSS - The Enterpriser
The most important thing for LIEs is that they fulfill their potential as usefully and productively as possible, thus ensuring real, long-term improvements to the world around them. LIEs possess naturally inquisitive minds, which they use to read up on whatever information is available. Such an approach allows the LIE to build up a bank of factual data to ensure they are informed on all relevant events they encounter. The point of such knowledge is so that the LIE is prepared to perform competently, possessing the know-how to work in the way that best aids long term progress. Frequently, LIEs will be focused on increasing the amount of return for the effort put into something, looking at available statistics and data before seeing if any improvements can be made to the functioning of procedures and methodologies. As such, LIEs endeavour to improve working processes so that they lead to greater benefit over time. This extends to the LIEs themselves, who will try to transform themselves into machines of highly efficient output. With this comes a sense of initiative; these types know that, provided they put in the work and dedication, they can achieve whatever they set their minds to, applying themselves to solving whatever might be holding them back. Furthermore, the LIE feels obliged to impart knowledge to others. In doing so, the LIE is able to indirectly bring about improvements beyond themselves, giving others the information necessary to do things well.Creative-Ni
The optimisations and fixes provided by an LIE are regularly geared towards the long term. LIEs see the use or benefit of something in terms of what will help things for the years to come, rather than simply aiding daily life. As such, LIEs tend to conduct themselves with a sense of greater purpose than themselves, trying to utilise the limited time they have wisely for making statistically important differences to reality. LIEs usually have a certain amount of trust or faith in the methods they decide on, being rather confident that what they are doing will eventually lead to significant results, even if immediate improvements cannot be seen. This can also result in the LIE having a sense of what they should be doing to optimise things in the long run, being less satisfied with simply doing their current job well and more focused on doing the job that will make important changes on a larger scale. As such, an LIE may move between different careers and projects, going off on their own when they feel their potential is not being satisfied as well as it could be and the job they are taking is not leading anywhere greater. They may give up a secure position that they feel can be better filled by another person or similarly, they may apply for a less comfortable job that they think would be more worthwhile to posterity. Despite this, an LIE will not necessarily appear busy to others, as they are good at knowing when not acting is exactly what is required to do something properly. During these stages of patience, they may be quite dormant.Super-Ego
Relaxation and rest can be difficult concepts for an LIE to appreciate. Due to their desire to perform at maximum efficiency, LIEs are disposed to workaholism, cutting out daily concerns in their pursuit of creating long term benefit. Often, the LIE can look upon their body as an inconvenience, something that has to be dragged complaining through their day of productivity. This can sometimes come at the expense of health, with the LIE sometimes burning out from exhaustion or catching illness from a lowered immune system. In such situations, the LIE may end up overly worrying that the illness will slow them down than for the welfare of their body and might look up methods of suppressing the symptoms so that they can go back to being functional. Similarly, in making their improvements, the LIE may overlook softer details such as contribution to ease and comfort. The fruits of their labour may be ugly and tastelessly designed, fulfilling the necessities without being enjoyable or harmonic with the surrounding aesthetic. Despite being stereotypically associated with financial success, LIEs spend little on luxury, rarely thinking to treat themselves or indulge in luxuries.Role-Fe
LIEs tend to be very independent and can often be mistaken for introverts as they rarely put much emphasis on going out to see people or socialise just for the sake of it. While they are happy to see their close friends, just meeting people can feel empty to them. To an LIE, such actions are only worth doing if they serve some purpose or real benefit to their projects, such as an activity related to publicity, marketing or networking. However, should there be adequate justification for LIEs to spend their time this way, they will go about it with practiced competence, managing to make themselves more friendly and convey their ideas and initiatives to others with a catching enthusiasm. Similarly, when in a position of authority over a team, they can become charismatic leaders, reading up on tips and methods to better inspire people to perform to a higher standard. However, such attempts will often be reserved and exercised with caution. The LIE will be very reluctant to give false impressions or engage in hyperbole that may distort someone's factual understanding of the truth. As such, any strategic attempt to enthuse others will be tempered by intellectual honesty. Ideally, they would like to drop the act altogether. Similarly, when others come to them for help, they will approach the issue by coming up with objective solutions to problems. They may feel rather annoyed and feel their time is wasted if the person turns out to simply want to rant.Super-Id
More often than not, an LIE will possess a great deal of personal ambition, and desire to amass a certain amount of power or authority from their hard work and initiative. This is more something that they wish to prove to themselves via their accomplishments, usually avoiding status symbols or anything to show their power to others unless it directly benefits how they are treated by others. When pursuing a project for the greater good, LIEs can be ruthless in their actions and decisions, being capable of aggressively taking on competitors as a means to success. When angered or frustrated, LIEs may demonstrate a short, explosive temper, especially if people are not adequately following instructions and performing unnecessarily below par. Especially in cases of wilful ignorance or malice from others, an LIE may resort to planning their vengeance. However, LIEs are not naturally intimidating people, lacking the physical presence to consistently command through force of will. Instead, they are usually more cerebral and disposed to reflecting on the right course of action, rather than rushing into things blindly. They are more likely to succeed through their wits, rather than brawn, patiently devising strategies for success, rather than confronting others impetuously.Suggestive-Fi
LIEs are usually rather unsure with their personal sentiments and feelings, naturally paying more attention to the objective factual data and far less to subjective opinion. Although often rather interested in ethics and what can be demonstrated to be right and wrong, LIEs are rarely able to make these personal evaluations for themselves with confidence. When upset about something, the LIE is more likely to first notice changes in their behaviour, before taking the time to reflect and figure out what has been bothering them. Furthermore, in their personal dealings, an LIE may think a lot about the quality of the people they are working with, but fail to trust their evaluations of such people. This can manifest in difficulty with the assignment of trust to others in personal relationships, the LIE either trusting too easily and easily being taken advantage of by unsavoury individuals or trusting too little and avoiding letting themselves get close to people altogether. Ideally, the LIE would prefer it if everyone was intellectually honest in their communication of factual data. However, they soon realise that many people shade and twist their words, resulting in them not knowing who to believe on trust. As such, LIEs greatly appreciate help in these areas. Often they will desire a close, meaningful bond with a significant other, someone who accepts and values who they are on the personal level, with no expectation on them to perform, keep the conversation going or to be anything other than honest in providing helpful, accurate information. They will appreciate people who know their minds and are blunt in their opinions of others, validating the LIE's opinions on who can be trusted and who are the bad eggs, as well as vocalising their own feelings more lucidly.Id
LIEs are primarily concerned with getting things to work and will focus on the results of their efforts rather than consistency to principles. They may rely on broad principles to guide what they should do, but these guidelines are always going to be flexible and general, based more on trends and observations of reality they have always found to be true, rather than imposing a necessary structure. Although perfectly capable of logical reasoning and making coherent arguments, as well as spotting the contradictions of others in a discussion, the LIE will have little patience for any system or theory that is not applicable in some way. Similarly, they will be prepared to bend, flex or even ignore any ideology or principle unless its benefits have been empirically demonstrated, or if they think it will serve a good use. As such, LIEs may mix and match different approaches for different situations, making concessions that, while one sort of explanation works well here, for the time being, a completely different explanation works there. In such situations, they will act as if both conflicting viewpoints are true, not because they believe both are true, but because they are the most practical explanations currently offered by available evidence and will be subject to eventual change. In this way, integrity of approach is put aside for workable strategies that lead to the best results. Furthermore, LIEs like to apply their initiative to solve problems and may be critical of bureaucracy if it hampers how they are working.Demonstrative-Ne
New ideas and initiatives are often thought up by the LIE, who can come across as an risk-taking inventor or creative visionary to others. LIEs tend to be very capable of seeing an opportunity and leaping after it it if they feel it carries some practical merit. Similarly, LIEs tend to have a very broad range of interests, knowing much about different areas and fields as a valuable source of knowledge. However, LIEs see this more as a means to expanding the possible productivity of their projects and will disapprove of wasting time with useless speculation. The breadth of knowledge is instead targeted towards supporting more linear, prioritised issues. Rather than pursuing and exploring what is interesting, for its own sake, LIEs will try to optimise their thoughts towards greater purposes. As such, LIEs tend to be rather single-minded, willingly using ideas to serve their ends, rather than exploring them for their own sake.[1]
Model G
SHS - The Entrepreneur
Social Mission
Leading +Te
They see new opportunities well. Knows how to turn things around in a way that brings tangible benefits. Criticizes those who, from their point of view, are engaged in useless theories. Entrepreneurial and easy-going. Often enjoys dynamic sports - hiking, climbing, running, etc. Not afraid of business trips and moving to new places. Boldly puts forward a business initiative and persistently seeks its implementation. If the possibilities of the project are exhausted, they quickly switch to a new direction. Knows how to handle finances. They seek to keep their money in circulation, playing on the difference in prices. They concentrate on their hands and the main levers of material interest.Creative -Ne
It is hard for them to endure hopelessness. With pleasure, they are engaged in any activity only when they are sure of its success. They like to test themselves in various activities. Therefore, they often change hobbies, professions, places of work, etc., until they find what they need. They are curious. Often acts contrary to expectations. They like to experiment, go the unbeaten path, and act as an inventor. Wholeheartedly devoted to what they love. Often vain. If their abilities are not appreciated, they tend to oppose others.Creative Self-Realization
Demonstrative +Ni
They intuitively capture the main trends of the time. They are not afraid to take risks, relying on their intuition. They always work ahead of the curve, because they know that tomorrow will be too late. One of the first to adopt new technologies and organizational forms. In their thoughts they constantly turn to the past, analyzing past events, and learning from them for the future. Analyzing time, they try to find the main patterns of fate. They are interested in unusual and mysterious phenomena. They try to test such, to find a rationale for them.Manipulative -Fi
They communicate with people democratically, at a close psychological distance. They are configured for a positive attitude and friendliness in their territory. They are relaxed by the atmosphere of warm and sincere communication, disagreements with them must be settled in an informal setting, assuring them of their good attitude. Needs a lot of reliable stable human relationships. Due to the inability to immediately recognize falsehood, they can allow themselves to be drawn into an adventure. Appreciates reliable, time-tested friends. They fear their inattention to others. Having ruined a relationship with someone, they are looking for ways to make amends. At the same time, they make gifts or show specific care for a partner.Social Adaptation
Role-playing +Fe
An optimist, they do not lose heart under any circumstances. Life shocks only harden them, make them more self-confident. Likes to laugh and make people laugh. Makes contact by touching the interlocutor with a playful remark. Their humor is often sly - contains a hint and ambiguity. Easily gets into an argument, especially when challenged. In a dispute, they are often ironic, they ridicule the views of their opponent. Their irritability and temper are often unpleasant to those around them. However, they themselves do not understand this, they believe that they were simply exchanging opinions.Launching -Se
They are often activated in emergency situations. Able to take care of themselves. Rejects emotional pressure. They have a desire to lead, to achieve their goals, and use other people for this. However, they lead well only those who are like-minded people. In moments of emotional upsurge, they feel like a strong personality, which are subject to any task. But if they do not find emotional support, then the fighting spirit quickly passes. They are a bold romantic. They enjoy the joy of competition. Becomes hazardous and persistent if resisted. Likes to challenge. A calm life, poor in emotions, softens them, and makes them clumsy and ridiculous.Inflation
Brake +Si
Can live and work in conditions of discomfort, with lack of amenities. Their nature usually endows them with endurance and health. Not picky about food and housing design. They don't care much about looks. Has a tendency to walk in the same clothes for a long time, getting used to it. They dress up only when their relationship with others depends on it. They treat well those who free them from the need to take care of life and everyday trifles. They do not like people who hide behind their weakness and illness. They behave carefree, and sometimes frivolously in nature. They have extremes in relation to bad habits: either they flaunt them, or they actively fight against them. The same extremes are found in sexual life.Controlling -Ti
Does not attach much importance to the strict order around them. Among the scattered things, they will always find what they need. Strives to monitor the performance, discipline, and compliance with the plans. However, the regulation and control over the process is ineffective. Stubborn in their understanding of a situation or problem. They predict developments too mechanistically, which is why their rosy plans often fail. They happen to be either a supporter of a strict system, deriving all the consequences from the same scheme, or, conversely, does not structure information at all, presenting it in an arbitrary, random sequence.[2]
[1] WSS, LIE - The Enterpriser
[2] SHS, LIE - The Entrepreneur
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