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32 total results found
1 vs 3
Claudio Naranjo's types Anger vs Vanity E1 is restrained and serious; E3 is expansive and cheerful.[1] E1 is more tradition directed; E3, other-directed.[1] E1 is a perfecter from morality; E3 is a self-perfecter from doing.[2] References [1] Naranjo...
1 vs 4
Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Anger vs Envy References
1 vs 5
Claudio Naranjo's types Anger vs Avarice E1 is aversive to pleasure; E5 appears as having a diminished capacity to experience pleasure.[1] E1 identifies more with the dignified; E5 identifies more with the guilty sub-self.[1] E1 is assertive and straight...
1 vs 7
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1 vs 9
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2 | 6
Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Fear Self-Preservation E2's fear mainly manifests in relationships; in E6 the emphasis is on a more generalized fear.[1] References [1] Naranjo, C. (2020). Psicología de los eneatipos: Or...
2 | 4
Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Envy E2 uses pride to get love and not to be abandoned, unlike E4.[1] Self-Preservation E2 represses his needs and feelings and focus on others more than E4 does.[1] Sexual E2 is the most e...
Self-Preservation 4 In Detail
Envy in the Preservation Sphere The Envy of the E4 when combined with this instinct leads to conservational envy. This kind of envy makes them harder to notice as 4s, the envy turned against oneself leads them to conserve their own suffering, to believe that ...
Sexual 4 In Detail
Envy in the Sexual Sphere The Envy of the SX4 is closest to the most literal meaning of the word. When Envy comes into contact with this instinct it produces a character competes with others in an attempt to gain approval or recognition. They then make others...
Social 4 In Detail
Envy in the Social Sphere The social instinct combined with the type 4 gives us a character which is mainly characterized by shame. This subtype feels distress for not living up to social ideals, they compare themselves to others around them and find themselv...
1 vs 2
Ones and Twos can appear similar because both have sets of rules that they expect others to adhere to, and become upset and reactive when others do not follow those rules. However, on closer examination, Ones have a far more rules and expectations than do...
279 - The Peacemaker Archetype
According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+7: The Entertainer Double positive outlook Pairing that is the most hedonistic and focused on enjoyment. This is the fairy or the lovely prince/princess. Very...
125 - The Mentor Archetype
According to Katherine Fauvre[1] If you are a 125, you are very diligent, caring, and knowledgeable. You want to be ethical, helpful, and wise. You are very idealistic and see what needs to be done and the simple and effective ways to do it. You are intense...
137 - The System Builder Archetype
According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+3: The Super Achiever Double competent. Pairing that is the most focused on working hard with high standards. This is the carpenter ant, the Energizer Bunny. Push...
145 - The Researcher Archetype
According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+4: The Humanist Double frustration. Enhances the natural line of connection to ONE and FOUR. Pairing that is the most focused on refining their ideals, pursuin...
1 | 6
Claudio Naranjo's types Anger | Fear E1 is more assertive than E6.[1] E1 makes decisions easier than E6.[1] E1 is more active than E6.[1] E1 is more oriented towards the world and the practical, E6 is more idealistic.[2] E1 respects authority but is very...
Riso-Hudson Triads
The Triads are important for transformational work because they specify where our chief imbalance lies. The Triads represent the three main clusters of issues and defenses of the ego self, and they reveal the principal ways in which we contract our awareness...
1 vs 8
Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Anger | Lust They are similar to the E8 in this regard, who has coarsened themselves to affect in order to freely act according to impulse. But while the E8 is a cynical and anti-intellectual character...
2 | 3
Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Vanity E2 is free and spontaneous; E3 is controlled, fearful of letting-go.[1] E2 tends to be invasive; E3 more mindful of limits.[1] E2 sells itself as great and expresses its generosity wit...
Sexual 1 In Detail
Anger in the Sexual Sphere Originally the SX instinct with the Anger of a 1 would produce a highly jealous character which was afraid that someone more perfect would come along to steal their partner, but Naranjo and his students would change this subtype int...