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Peak Experiences (#35)

Socionics Small groups

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Single Observers vs Single Decider

Objective Personality Coins

The Single Observers are overdoing one side of the Organize vs Gather coin and neglecting its opposite. They can get stuck because they are not willing to engage fully with the opposite need. The IxxJs are overdoing control and organization and get stuck when ...

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Objective Personality

Decider Introverted vs Decider Extroverted

Objective Personality Coins

Extroverted Deciders Types that are Tribe above Self, have what is called a De savior function. This will be either Extroverted Thinking (Te) or Extroverted Feeling (Fe), depending on whether or not the type is either savior Thinking (T) or savior Feeling (F)...

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Objective Personality

Observer Introverted vs Observer Extroverted

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality

Decisions Feeling vs Decisions Thinking

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality

Observations Sensing vs Observations Intuition

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality

Sleep vs Play

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality

Consume vs Blast

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality

Information Dominant vs Energy Dominant

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality

Masculine Sensory vs Feminine Sensory

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality

Masculine Di vs Masculine De

Objective Personality Coins

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Objective Personality
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Overview of DCNH Subtypes

Socionics DCNH Subtypes

Feel free to fill this page out. Dichotomies Contacting / Distancing -D & C are Contacting: their need for contact predominates;-N & H are Distancing: they need to maintain distance.Interferes with Extraversion / Introversion. Terminating / Initiating -D ...

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Dominant subtype (Motivator)

Socionics DCNH Subtypes

Dichotomies: Terminating, Contacting, ConnectingFormula: PF(E) | TeSe(Fe)Role: Informal Leader, Engine, Ambitious Hastening Leader The dominant subtype is distinguished by the following behaviors in the group: Set to compete Often recognized by others a...

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Creative subtype (Contactor)

Socionics DCNH Subtypes

-Dichotomies: Initiating, Contacting, Ignoring-Formula: IE(F) | NeFe(Se)-Role: Idea Generator, Problem Solver, Rebellious Bright Generator The creative subtype is characterized by the following features: Increased need for change The search for new di...

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Normalizing subtype (Conscience)

Socionics DCNH Subtypes

-Dichotomies: Terminating, Distancing, Ignoring-Formula: LS(R) | TiSi(Fi)-Role: Perfector, Implementer, Quality Task Finisher The normalizing subtype is distinguished by the following manifestations in behavior: Commitment to accuracy, compliance, disc...

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Harmonizing subtype (Designer)

Socionics DCNH Subtypes

-Dichotomies: Initiating, Distancing, Connecting-Formula: TR(S) | NiFi(Si)-Role: Layout Artist, Feedback, Wise Kind Peacemaker Harmonizing subtype has its own peculiarities of behavior in a group: Outwardly, looks calm Easily loses its internal balanc...

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At what age is a sociotype formed?

Socionics Questions & debatable topics

According to Aushra Augustinavichiute A child's IM code, i.e. his/her personality type, is formed up to the age of 5 under the influence of interaction of IM codes of people close to the child. Later on, the presence of people with compatible or conflicting...


Can the sociotype change?

Socionics Questions & debatable topics

According to Victor Gulenko The actual sociotype is the deep nucleus. Its structure does not change during life (maximum stiffness and stability). The term of its existence is equal to the time of the existence of the psychic system itself. Thus, the socion...


1 vs 2

Enneagram Differentiation of types

Ones and Twos can appear similar because both have sets of rules that they expect others  to adhere to, and become upset and reactive when others do not follow those rules.  However, on closer examination, Ones have a far more rules and expectations than do...

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1 vs 3

Enneagram Differentiation of types

Claudio Naranjo's types Anger vs Vanity E1 is restrained and serious; E3 is expansive and cheerful.[1] E1 is more tradition directed; E3, other-directed.[1] E1 is a perfecter from morality; E3 is a self-perfecter from doing.[2] References [1] Naranjo...

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