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Self-Typing Methods

The Dichotomic Method

Step 1: Determine the Orientation of Dominant Function: I/E
  1. Individual-focused, subjective, abstract: Introverted Types
  2. Environment focused, objective, practical: Extraverted Types

Common misconception: I/E has nothing to do with shyness or quietness.

Step 2: Determine the Preferred Perception Function: S/N
  1. Tangible or material focus, observant at the expense of imagination, present-focused: Sensing Types
  2. Hypothetical focus, imaginative at the expense of observation-future-oriented: iNtuitive Types
Step 3: Determine the Preferred Judgement Function: T/F
  1. Impersonal, mechanical focus: Thinking Types
  2. Personal, Sentiment focus,: Feeling Types
Step 4: Compare Perception Function with Judgement Function and determine which one is extraverted: J/P
  1. Judgement function is extraverted - decisive, rational, purposeful: Judging Types
  2. Perceiving function is extraverted - curious, empirical, adaptable: Perceiving Types

Function Method

Primary: the function you use the most and are most comfortable with

Auxiliary: complements your primary and is used quite often as well

Tertiary: less developed and takes longer to mature 

Inferior: matures latest in life, unconscious, and it can be especially troublesome because you might be less aware of it or have trouble understanding how it works.


Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.