Acting, Casts, and Crews
We are able to link "Acting" to real and fictional profiles via the website.
For real profiles (aka Famous People), the "Acting" profiles linked should be the characters which the real person (often actor/actress, voice actor/actress) played as. For example, Johnny Depp played as Captain Jack Sparrow.
For fictional profiles (aka Fictional Characters), the "Acting" profiles linked should be their actor/actress, voice actor/actress. For example, Captain Jack Sparrow is played by Johnny Depp.
How to add "Acting" / "Cast" Profiles?
Go to the work page, for example, Pirates of the Caribbeans, select "Casts" and you will see a list of characters, select the character that this cast played as, and you will see a window to link this cast. If the profile of a cast member cannot be found in the database, you will need to add the crew profile first, see guidelines here
How to add "Crews"?
Same with linking Casts: Go to the work page, select Crews and then you can edit crews. If the profile of a crew member cannot be found in the database, you will need to add the crew profile first, see guidelines here
1 Comment
and how to edit a profile? After having added it, how to remove it?