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EFVL - "Pushkin" or "The Adorner"

Psyche Yoga Version:

In his book, Syntax of Love[1], Alexander Afanasyev uses Russian poet Alexander Pushkin as an archetype for the EFVL personality. We shall continue with his typology soon, however, to understand Afanasyev's overarching idea of the "Pushkin," we must turn to a different anecdote. A friend of Afanasyev had a dog who would aggressively bark and shout at guests, but would also strangely wag their tail with ingratiating hospitality while doing this. Afanasyev nicknamed the dog "Pushkin," for the animal's behaviour resembled the psychotype of the poet. Just like the pet, "Pushkin" cries out in anger, frustration, rebellion, and hatred. But behind all the shouting, there is a tormented and inhibited soul, who is prepared to surrender, and is immensely insecure about himself. This behaviour is the result of a combination of First Emotion (responsible for the crying and the outrage) and Third Will (responsible for the insecurity and torment.) 

Of course, the "Pushkin" is not the only personality with this specific order of functions (see "ELVF - Andersen"), but what differentiates him from his psychological sibling is the strong and flexible Second Physics. Should the cries of the First Emotion fail to suffice, the "Pushkin" may easily turn to violence, and the lack of reasonable inhibition (Fourth Logic) makes violence a very viable option. In fact, this may have been the cause of Pushkin's death. On its own, the Second Physics would not have been provoked into a duel. However, there had been rumours going around that Pushkin's wife had been having affairs, which deeply offended the First Emotion, which adored and cared for its loved one. It also made the Third Will infinitely insecure, afraid of publicity and rumours. All of this, combined with the lack of lawful restraint, made way for the duel that would end in Pushkin's demise. 

To some extent, all those who use First Emotion are poets, experts in language and its intricacies. However, the First Emotion of the "Pushkin" is corrupted by the capricious and hateful Third Will, thereby turning the First Emotion's expressive poetry into hateful slander. In particular, "Pushkin's" defamatory poetry only delivers an insult on the last line, leaving the receiver unprepared for the poison that is to be delivered. Afanasyev quotes, 

"Seven husbands were buried by Xanthippe, 
Now she has married you, Anixt. 
Apparently, she wants to visit the dead husbands."

The combination of First Emotion and Second Physics in Pushkin made him an intense and expressive lover, fully dedicated to romance. It creates a loving, sensual atmosphere around him that awakens the libido and creates an illusion of sincerity and love. In reality, however, this is not the case, as is usually the case with the deceptive and vain Third Will. Pushkin was an intensely jealous man with his lover, not because of the strong but not hypocritical Second Physics, which was responsible for the carnal pleasures supplied by love, but because of his diffident and uncertain Third Will. 

"Pushkin" remains a child throughout his entire life. The endlessly loud First Emotion resembles the uncontrollable emotionality of a child, creating uncontrollable laughter, intense tearfulness atypical for one's age, and generalised infantilism. The Third Will gives away naive lies, attempts to be cunning, and visible capriciousness. Second Physics paints the "Pushkin's" worldview in colourful and fun tones, and makes him endlessly active and playful, just like a child. And the Fourth Logic resembles the underdeveloped rationality and decision-making of a youngling. 

In practical matters, in which serious mental consideration is required, the "Pushkin" is largely unsuccessful. Pushkin himself was no stranger to gambling, and when he died, he left a mountain of debt upon his family. Such a nonchalant attitude towards the monetary world is not only due to the extroverted and flexible Second Physics, but also the irresponsibility of the Fourth Logic and the madness of the Third Will. Gambling opens the opportunity for monetary gain, which entails freedom at worst, and power at best. Freedom and power are two things that the Second Physics and the Third Will both desire immensely, and the Fourth Logic is easily ignored in such cases. One exemplar of "Pushkin" sold his dead father's prized stamp collection to pay for toys, destroyed a games console thinking he would gain money from it, and used money donated to him as a means of living out a mythical fantasy. 

While this description thus far will seem very negative, what follows is the saving grace of the "Pushkin." Indeed it is the second function, which is the best side of any psychotype, which for "Pushkin" is Physics. The strong, flexible, and processional Second Physics makes "Pushkin" a diligent workaholic. Work acts as a healing fountain in which "Pushkins" can let go of their emotional stresses, and indeed this was true for Pushkin himself. One of his contemporaries wrote,

“Labor was a shrine for him, a font in which all ulcers were healed, infirmity and despondency gained vigor and freshness, weakened forces were restored.”

Furthermore, the "Pushkin" personality has a penchant for anything fringe, unknown, or downtrodden. The First Emotion grants him excellent interpretative abilities and emotional intuition, allowing him to appreciate beauty, aesthetics, and expression in all things. The flexible Second Physics is open to seeing anything and everything, no matter how disgusting or crude it may be. And the Third Will created sympathy and compassion for that which is forgotten or neglected in society. Even the most conventionally obscene and disgusting artwork will catch the curious eye of the "Pushkin."

To summarise all that has been said, First Emotion gives "Pushkin" exceptional poetic abilities, as well as the ability to feel deeply and intensely. The Second Physics makes him laborious and hard-working at best, but violent and destructive at worst. Third Will makes "Pushkin" a volatile, hateful, and capricious individual, who may explode in anger and sadness at the drop of a finger. And Fourth Logic makes him unlawful and rebellious, not bothering to constrain himself with reason. 

[1] Syntax of Love Pages 157 - 163 

Attitudinal Psyche Version:

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