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Function Properties


In Pyschosophy, positions or "functions" make up the model in which aspects are placed in order to dictate how they function in the type. There are four functions: First, Second, Third, and Fourth. These functions are characterized by three bipolar dichotomies that provide functional value: 

  • High/Low (Subjective/Objective)
  • Resultative/Processional (Unconscious/Conscious)
  • Principled/Unprincipled (Introverted/Extroverted)

The 3rd function is internally ambivalent, being both weak and strong at the same time, or weak with strong unrealized potential. This is known as being superprocess-oriented. More on this in the Third function section.

(Translation of the abbreviated characteristics is taken from "Psychosophy Library" website. Original:


Let's remember the first feature of the order of functions: the presence of TOP and BOTTOM. And after that, let's remember another important feature of it: the division of functions into productive and processional ones.

What is meant by both? - I'll try to be brief. Efficient are the functions (First and Fourth), for which, in self-expression, the result is more expensive than the process. And the processional functions (Second and Third) tend to the opposite and value the process more than the result. In the form of a diagram, such a division of functions can be depicted as follows:

1) Productive
2) Processional
3) Processional
4) Productive

High vs Low

This dichotomy is governed by the relationship between subject and object through influence. The more the high aspects can dispense influence the more confident it feels in its already-confident aspect, while low aspects seek safety or direction from influences.

  • Subjects influence objects
  • Objects are influenced by subjects
  • Objects only influence objects by way of accident
  • Objects rarely- if ever- influence subjects
1 & 2 - High (Subjective/Strong)

High functions have a strong standing in the mental hierarchy and are therefore confident in influencing other people within this aspectual sphere. It is more difficult to influence these aspects.

A person can and wants to influence other people on aspects of high functions, but at the same time he himself is not influenced, that is, he acts as a subject of influence, but not as its object. Therefore, the first and second functions are subjective . For example, 1F and 2F have a clear idea of ​​their own or other people's needs in the material world, and they satisfy these needs by imposing them on other people as well. It can be tastes in food, ideas about beauty, lifestyle, and so on.

3 & 4 - Low (Objective/Weak)

These are points at which people are easily influenced and can show a lot of yield, and will look up to those with higher aspects to seek guidance. It is difficult for these aspects to influence other people. 

According to the aspects of low functions, a person cannot influence others, but he himself is influenced by others, that is, he is an object of influence, and not a subject. Therefore, we can characterize the third and fourth functions as object functions . For example, 3B and 4B have difficulty taking responsibility for making decisions, it is easy for them to impose other people's goals by making a decision for them.

Resultative vs Processional

1 & 4 - Resultative (Unconscious)

The first and fourth functions are more oriented towards results than they are to the process. "It can also be said that the resultant functions, by the very principle of their action, are internally lonely, not inclined to look for a partner, and in self-expression gravitate towards a monologue"(Afanasyev).

Most of the time, a person is not aware of his own state and the state of other people in terms of the aspects of productive functions, it is difficult for him to concentrate on these aspects and he wants to achieve a stable state in terms of them, so as not to return to these aspects once again. Therefore, the first and fourth functions of the type are unconscious . For example, 1F and 4F do not like to pay attention to their appearance and the appearance of other people, to their physical needs, to any subtleties in cooking or decorating a home, to order in a house, etc., so they strive to create such conditions in which their needs will be provided constantly and without unnecessary fuss.

2 & 3 - Processional (Conscious)

The second and third functions are more oriented towards process than they are to the results. This makes them lovers of dialogue, sharing with company in this aspect, and expansive. This aspect is treated as a relationship of exchanges.

Processional aspects have an inclination towards improvement because they are being focused on consciously. You may feel a drive to actively improve these aspects in order to more efficiently serve the first aspects, but it will also heavily depend on your volitional placement.

Aspects of processional functions, on the contrary, are given a significant amount of attention, a person is constantly focused on them and notices the smallest changes in his own and someone else's state in these aspects, in connection with which the second and third functions can be called conscious . For example, 2E and 3E constantly monitor how they look from the outside, what image they form in the eyes of the people around them, and also notice the most insignificant reactions of others, determining the internal emotional state of a person; with the same attention they treat their own feelings.

Principal vs Unprincipled

Governs areas of interest and what the aspect primarily focuses on. It either focuses this aspect on the self (first and third) or on other people (second and fourth)

1 & 3 - Principal (Introverted) 

Characterized by establishing, or trying to establish, internal principles concerning this aspect. Easily seen in the linguistic aspects as trying to establish opinions (Logic) or values (Emotion), and seen in action aspects as internal identity and focus on personal wants (Volition) and personal tastes (Physics). This can make them aggressive in their principles.

According to the aspects of fundamental functions, a person is directed to his own state, its maintenance or change, in connection with which the first and third functions are introverted . Let's say 1B and 3B are aimed at achieving their own goals, the realization of their desires, they seek help and support from other people in this. At the same time, they are not interested in motivating someone else to achieve and supporting other people's ambitions.

2 & 4 - Unprincipled (Extroverted)

This is an others focused function that wants to know the opinions (Logic), values (Emotion), tastes (Physics), and desires (Volition) of other people. The second function has more "want" of knowing these things, the fourth simply accepts these things. Because of this outward focus it doesn't hold any strong internal establishments in these aspects making them passive.

The second and fourth functions can be called extraverted , because a person, in terms of aspects of these functions, is primarily interested in someone else's state, and not his own. So, 2L and 4L strive not so much to form their own opinion on any issue, but to support or change someone else's opinion, through disputes and discussions, or simply agreeing with it.


Subtypes were introduced by Imperative Socionics (better known as BestSocionics) as "Accentuations" which flavors an aspect towards one of its inherent properties. For example, 1L can be accentuated to either High, Resultative, or Principal, which enhance these properties in the aspect and provide more nuance to its use. A 1L accentuated towards Principal may be more aggressive and crude in it's logic structure formation.

To one degree or another, all these qualities are expressed in each function, and the predominance of one of them forms the accentuation of the function.

This was expanded upon by other PY communities for convenience, as well as in Attitudinal Psyche by developing a slightly different system. This subtype system simply states that a function can be accentuated towards another function in the same type. Let's take 1L again, instead of just accentuating based on it's inherent properties (High, Resultative, Principal), it takes on more traits of the second position, making it 1V-2. It still has the fundamental traits of a 1L like rigidity, resultative thinking, monologuing, but instead of just having a solid and immovable opinion it may try to expand this view into the environment and take a monopoly on opinions.


[1] Syntax of Love

[2] Imperative Socionics -

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