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Third (Insecure)













Processional • Principal • Low





Coming soon

Attitudinal Psyche


Uncertain • Insufficient • Weak


Aggressive • Subjective • Vulnerable


Wordy • Conditional • Universal

When we combine the self-negative, and others-negative dispositions this position holds, we see than an orientation towards desiring to process comes into play. This process focus is what gives the third position a wordy, conditional, and universal feel to it. The Insecure Position wants to engage in the journeys they desire while processing the information surrounding it. They tend to be unsure, hesitant, and apprehensive towards the aspect, and feel intense vulnerability that they must protect. The problem with the third position is that they overestimate what can hurt them, so this creates a bit of a vigilant aura in which they can double down on, or completely ignore if it causes too much anxiety. The Insecure Position often needs help, and desires to be walked through the process with care and respect, or else they can react badly.

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AP Subtypes


Those with the 3-1 subtype are the most bold and aggressive out of all the third attitude subtypes. This subtype tends to mitigate to their confident aspect to create a façade of assuredness that enables them to avoid the insecurity and possible anxiety that may arise from engaging in their third aspect on its own. They will often refuse to back down or engage in processing information unless their defenses have been pierced by whoever it is that they are communicating with. One must break past the façade to entertain the information that the insecure attitude does truly wish to process (and needs it). The 3-1 subtype uses their reactive and sensitive nature to draw up fortitude in protecting what they think could harm them, even if the affront is slight or negligible.


The 3-2 subtype tends to want to communicate with others in an objective way. This is the most likely insecure subtype to share what they experience of the aspect held within in an open and honest way. They commonly self-deprecate or make fun of their own insecurities and report doing this to ease the pain that suppressing fears can inflict on their psyche. They usually mistype when solely focusing on behavior, because they see themselves processing out information in relation to that aspect. As they dig deeper into their own perception, they will usually uncover the insecurities and type correctly. There is a tendency to be careful yet determined in communicating the information to others as they employ courage but are still dodging negative responses. This is where the name “Intrepid” comes in, because it is a courageous journey they are embarking upon. They may be undeterred from gathering experience within the third aspect but can sometimes deny how negatively it impacts them until it’s too late and they implode.


The 3-3 subtype is the easiest to identify as a true Insecure attitude as they generally do not hold back in negatively transmitting what makes them feel insecure. They will criticize and imagine others’ experiences next to their own to differentiate how they are in comparison. They question anyone else’s authority over the aspect and prefer to create their own experiences and intricate opinions that no one can criticize. This subtype tends to be the most openly sensitive to outside attacks (as all are sensitive under the surface), whether perceived or real. This means that the 3-A subject will behave in a variety of ways, making them difficult to pin down as their third attitude is constantly shifting and reacting – as is par for the course for this position. They tend to immediately react to information related to the aspect held within, even if their response is totally disproportionate to what was said or declared.


The 3-4 subtype tends to downplay their own insecurities and fears. They will often attempt to manage their anxiety with step-by-step instructions of how to “fix” their issues within the aspect and they do this on their own time more so than the other subtypes. They tend to escape direct challenges towards their opinion of the aspect or use mocking sarcasm and underhanded jabs to get back at the culprit before disconnecting. There may be more of a dormant phase present through their lives, with quick interweaving reactive phases. The 3-4 subtype frequently trivializes any attack made against them. What is usually unseen to the observer, is that the attack is bothering this subtype immensely and by trivializing it immediately, they have actually reacted but in a more concealed way.

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[1] Syntax of Love - 



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