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FLEV - "Epicurus" or "The Alchemist"

Psyche Yoga Version:

Epicurus' philosophy, Epicureanism, is often confused with Hedonism, which was the creation of Aristippus (FLVE), as both of their philosophies focused on achieving pleasure. Naturally, however, just as the two individuals differed in their psychotypes, so too did they differ in their philosophies. Epicurus clarified that his philosophy, unlike Aristippus', did not entail a need to quench an excessive desire for carnal pleasures, or to endlessly party and never work. Rather, Epicureanism seeks pleasure in the form of sustained tranquility and a soul free of conflict. The violent propensity to debauchery, gluttony, and lust (typical of First Physics and Third Will) is nowhere to be found in Epicurus' philosophy. 

The clearest manifestation of Epicurus' First Physics is the overwhelming predominance of the material and physical in his philosophy. According to Epicurus, every thought that enters our mind arises as the result of sensations. We cannot refute these sensations, for they are real and necessary to create ideas for what we cannot see. The visions of madmen are equally as true, because they brought themselves forth through the senses, which non-existent entities are incapable of. The soul, too, is fully material, for if it wasn't, it would not be able to experience action. 

Given the belief that all logic and reason derives from sensations, Epicurus' next function should be obvious: Second Logic. This function also manifested in Epicurus' sheer amount of material, writing a total of three hundred scrolls worth of teachings in his lifetime, surpassing every other Greek philosopher of his time. Epicurus would also frequently hold meetings in his garden where visitors would come for friendly debate and discussion, something only a Second Logic type would think of doing. 

The Third Emotion of the philosopher was also evident, given his speech was described as dry, monotonous, and fading. Speaking of the sage, Epicurus would tell his readers that they shall not speak beautiful speeches and will be incapable of poetry. However, despite his Third Emotion, Epicurus (and indeed all those who share his psychotype) did not come across as cold, stern, or insensitive. In fact, those of the "Epicurus" psychotype come across as warm and welcoming, and are easily compared to teddy bears. This is the result of Epicurus' First Physics and Fourth Will, which give him a positive and cheerful outlook on life, while also making him easygoing and docile. 

As is typical of Fourth Wills, Epicurus diligently avoided politics, stating that the sage will not involve themselves with public affairs. Even with Epicurus' immense amount of support and influence, he avoided any sort of authoritative position, even at a time when politics were the talk of the town in Athens. Epicurus also told his listeners that they should live their lives unnoticed, thereby asking them to replicate his Fourth Will.[1]

Physical pleasures come so naturally to the "Epicurus" that he barely notices their presence. This can cause him to be confused for a Fourth Physicist, however one should recognise that, unlike the "Slacker," FLEV takes good care of his body and is always attentive to his body. Like other Result Physicists, "Epicurus" is lazy, only taking what he needs and only doing what is required of him. He dedicates the rest of his energy to his processional functions, Logic and Emotions. "Epicurus" feels free and confident in the world of philosophy and rationalism, happily provoking thought and discussion among groups of people. In terms of the more stubborn individuals, (i.e. "Dogmatists" and "Skeptics",) he is able to ease their tensions with a dry wit and humourous irony, and those who are more insecure about their opinions are allowed to freely express and discuss them at length.

 "Epicurus" uses irony and dry humour to distract himself from his psychological ulcer; Third Emotion. He is inhibited and shy in his feelings, always insecure about little things like his smile, his voice, or his laughter. It is beneficial for him to have partners who can bring out these emotions and nurture his psychological wounds. "Epicurus" is democratic and free, feeling no need to exert himself over other people. He is not inclined to notice or care for a person's social status, achievements, or power, treating everyone in the world as an equal.[2]

To summarise all that has been said, First Physics makes "Epicurus" a lover of life and its simplest pleasures, able to fine joy and comfort in inertia. Second Logic makes him philosophical, logical, and highly open to discussion and debate with other people. Third Emotion makes him reserved, shy, monotonous, and quiet in his speech and communication. And Fourth Will makes him apolitical and accepting, treating everyone he comes across as an equal to himself. 

[1] Syntax of Love Pages 174 - 176 
[2] Description of the FLEV type 


Attitudinal Psyche Version:

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