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EVFL - "Pasternak" or "The Enthusiast"

Psyche Yoga Version:

Afanasyev uses Russian writer Boris Pasternak as an example of the EVFL personality. In line with both his occupation and his psychotype, Pasternak had an extremely poetic outlook on life. Even the smallest and most mundane of happenings would be turned into poetry through Pasternak's presence. He would appear to others as "out-of-this-world" and absorbed entirely in his own mind. His speech was vague and confusing, but also deep and poetic. This is, of course, all the result of Pasternak's First Emotion, which naturally creates an overwhelming desire to find beauty and poetic depth in all things. This overgrown, bulbous part of his psyche was not lost on Pasternak, as he acknowledged by saying,

" artist must be excessively susceptible to inspiration." 

Pasternak's Second Will was also very evident in his interpersonal happenings. Those who knew him personally saw him as incapable of any kind of malice, deception, or offence. He was also very gullible and naive, easily influenced by the will of those around him. He was always willing to give and never asked for anything himself, always immensely grateful to receive even the smallest of service. However, none of this is to say that Pasternak was a pushover; quite the opposite. Let us recall when Pasternak received a call from the infamous Russian tyrant; Joseph Stalin (FLVE). While many trembled talking to such a cruel and intimidating despot, Pasternak was one of the few people to endure his wrath. He even naively offered to enlighten Stalin on the topic of poetry, but Stalin thankfully put the phone down before Pasternak said anything he would regret. 

Pasternak's Third Physics was, as with all third functions, very hypocritical. While Pasternak claimed to shun the material side of life, preferring instead to focus on spirituality and poetry (First Emotion suppressing Third Physics,) it was very clear that he high valued this aspect of life. This is particularly evident in his appreciation of his wife for her ability to carry a workload. Pasternak expressed,

"I appreciated that she does not disdain any physical work: she washes windows, floors, and cultivates a garden." 

His contemporaries also noted how he always appeared smart and neat in his clothing, and found it hard to part with physical things. He did not want to let go of his old clothes, and those around him had to throw them away in secret. Many noticed a particularly sensitive sensuality throughout his entire anthology, and he had a talent for detecting sensations that no others could. Recall when Pasternak saw a mosquito land on his wife's shirt and attempted to "become" this mosquito, trying to wholly perceive the feeling of the sting piercing the cloth and eventually the skin. We must feel sympathy for the poet, for having such thin skin in a country where executions, starvation, and torture were commonplace must have been a horrific experience. 

Fourth Logic too was very evident in Pasternak. Even after receiving an extensive education in philosophy, travelling between Russia and Germany to complete it, even teaching the subject himself, he completely abandoned it when he was complete. Reason was nothing to Pasternak, for it existed at the very bottom of his order of functions. He was always going to choose poetic and emotional expression over any kind of philosophy or ideology, a natural choice for those with First Emotion and Fourth Logic.[1] While "Pasternaks" in general may talk of the transcendental, the spiritual, and the imagined, all things global and practical are lost on them. 

As a result of First Emotion and Third Physics, "Pasternaks" enjoy aesthetically pleasing things - both objects and people. He appreciates the beauty in that which is nurtured and cared for. He is likely interested in art forms such as painting, photography, design, and decoration. They enjoy neat houses with convenient and comfortable craftsmanship, beautifully decorated rooms, and a sense of romance and aesthetics throughout.[2] "Pasternak," as with his brother in functions, "Rousseau," is a huge romantic, as the intense and passionate First Emotion is enhanced by the hypersexuality of Third Physics. 

To summarise all that has been said, First Emotion gives "Pasternak" a gargantuan imagination, a penchant for beauty and aesthetics, as well as the ability to garner poetic inspiration from even the most mundane happenings. Second Will gives him a strong compassion for others and the ability to accept all who cross his path. Third Physics makes him sensitive, thin-skinned and hypersexual, strangely worried about suppressing his carnal pleasures while secretly wishing to quench them. And Fourth Logic makes him indifferent with overarching practical issues such as philosophy and more attracted to the emotional and spiritual side of life. 

[1] Syntax of Love Pages 134 - 139 
[2] Description of the EVFL type 

Attitudinal Psyche Version:

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