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LFVE - "Plato" or "The Consultant"

Psyche Yoga Version:

There is no doubt in my mind that everyone reading this article has heard of Plato. He is perhaps the most well-known philosopher in all of history, and birthed our modern idea of what a philosopher is. Alexander Afanasyev used Plato as the namesake for the LFVE personality, an the following shall explain this typology. 

Plato believed that everything in the universe had a rational explanation and that all things were merely imperfect recreations of more sublime universal archetypes. While the creation of otherworldly ideas to be applied anywhere is the purpose of a philosopher, Plato took this to the extreme, disregarding fact and experience and favouring pure logic and speculation. Of course, this indicative of the philosopher's First Logic, which naturally cultivates grand ideas and imaginary laws while neglecting true experience. This was most clearly displayed when Plato attempted to begin his project of an idealised state in Sicily. He was lucky that the tyrant of Syracuse was too stupid (or rather, too smart) to listen to such a crazed, paranoid idea. 

In accordance with the Second Physics, Plato was a highly active and flexible individual. He would give lectures on-the-go, wondering through the gardens of his academy while he spoke to his students. Comedians of his time joked that students of Plato would lose their legs following his classes. Plato was also a brilliant wrestler, even supposedly achieving 1st place at the Isthmian Games. 

Plato was a highly politicised and ambitious person who had great ambitions of power, as is the case with all Third Wills. Look no further than his work "The State" if you want evidence of this. Of course, the Will was still Third, and thus Plato was never truly confident in his ability to subjugate and create policy. He prefered to merely influence policy through the First Logic, and hence creating the aforementioned story of Plato's failure in Sicily. His contemporaries described Plato as gloomy, melancholic, reserved and quiet, evidence both of the conflicted Third Will and the inexpressiveness of Fourth Emotion.[1] 

"Plato" is the perfect psychotype for an executive. The First Logic is dogmatic and lawful, enfocing rules ruthlessly without question or discussion in mind. Second Physics is a diligent worker, able to take on a manager's workload with ease. Third Will is assertive and bossy over its subordinates, but still receptive to the mighty hand of the higher-ups. And Fourth Emotion makes the individual indifferent to any drama or chaos that may happen in the workplace. 

"Plato" has an opinion and a theory about everything. He does not want to prove or challenge his theories and is very sensitive to disagreements. He believes that he is much smarter than everyone else around him and can use his intellect to compensate for his weakened character. He does not engage much in discussion and generally does not repect the opinions of other people. On top of his intellect, "Plato" will often use physical prowess and strength to compensate for his tarnished will, using it as a tool of intimidation. This personality is very economical, and knows how to handle money. 

As is the case with all Third Wills, "Plato" suffers from an immense amount of envy. Should their intellect and physique crumble, their self-esteem collapses. Even the smallest of inconveniences can cause the "Plato" to lose all motivation. LFVEs do not come without immense amounts of ambition and a refusal to live life as a little man. He wants to be a decisive leader, but struggles with self-confidence and frequently fluccuates in motivation. "Plato" is often tragically insensitive, easily breaking relationships without concern. If the situation demands, he can be cheerful and light-hearted, but one will always be left with an impression of superficiality.[2]

The combination of First Logic and Third Will makes "Plato" (as well as his brother in funtions, "Pascal") lost in his own head, closed off to discussion or discourse. It is very hard for "Plato" to doubt his opinion, seeing anyone who disagrees as merely incompetent and stupid. He envisions himself as a misunderstood genius, and is very succeptible to giving up after a few failures. Because they are so closed-off from other people, it can be hard for "Platos" to admit to their faults, even when everyone else points to their mistakes. Extroverted Physics and Emotions make "Plato" friendly when he needs to be and easily adaptable when it comes to the needs of others. "Plato" can easily find himself in sports, or develop himself in design.[3] 

To summarise all that has been said, First Logic makes "Plato" dogmatic, lawful, and opinionated, formulating theories out of pure intellect to the detriment of fact and experience. Second Physics makes him a diligent worker and an excellent multitasker, able to take on the physical needs of both himself and others with ease. Third Will makes him capricious, unstable, angry, and it also closes him off from the views of other people. And Fourth Emotion makes him uninterested in personal drama and expression, simply replicating the emotions of those around him.

[1] Syntax of Love Pages 117 - 119 
[2] Description of the LFVE type 
[3] Description of First Logic and Third Will 



Attitudinal Psyche Version:

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