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First (Confident)













Resultative • Principal • High


The first function is characterized by absolute surety and an excessive reliance on this way of seeing the world, making it the most strongly held trait; it is a gift we give to ourselves in overabundance. It can be recognized as the crux of personality and the means by which the type cleaves its way through the world. However, it's strength is often stemmed from its parallel and constant nature in the psyche making it unconscious, automatic, and natural.

For example, the owner of 1F, going to a meeting with a stranger, first (again, I emphasize - quite unconsciously) will think about whether their cleavage is deep enough, and only then about the content of the conversation, their role in it, etc. Whereas the owner of 1L will first think about the topic of the conversation, and then they will take care of their appearance...

We are constantly aiming to keep this function in a state where we are not inclined to give it conscious thought or discussion so as to retain a sense of solidity. It needs a sense of aspectual homeostasis.

Because this function is so strong it becomes something that is relied on, which makes it crude and without finesse, perhaps rough in dealing with other people, especially for its entitlement to absolution. The products of the first function are far more primitive, but it's lack of polish does not detract from it's beauty as a mechanism of pure human essence.

The first is a hammer, equally suitable for destruction and for creation. However, this is precisely a hammer with all the conveniences and inconveniences arising from this circumstance, a blacksmith's hammer, and not a jeweler's hammer. The products created by him do not differ in the fineness of the finish, they are rough, simple and focused more on reliability than on beauty.

In this sense it is a very narrow and closed view of the world that is unshaken by external influences, but despite its incredible strength it has a fundamental weakness: inflexibility. Thus it can be characterized as brittle as this absolute inflexibility can make shocks against this function very painful.

On an epistemological basis, the First clearly divides humanity into four unequal parts: sensualists (1st Physics), voluntarists (1st Will), mystics (1st Emotion), rationalists (1st Logic). Sensualists believe only in personal experience, mystics only in emotional worries, voluntarists only in personal energy, rationalists only in logic.

The illusion of absolute reliability of the knowledge obtained with the help of the 1st function, among other things, well explains such an amazing phenomenon for our enlightened age as the mass fascination with magic, astrology and similar superstitions. The casket opens simply: all these mass believers in mysticism are emotionals (1E). Therefore, rationalists (1L) can continue even walking on their heads, trying to prove the inconsistency of the superstitions. Useless. For the 1st Emotion, a black cat on the road will always be more reliable than all the arguments of reason.

It is also prone to overindulgence, and consequently, a subconscious overarching shadow of ugliness may tug at the corners of the psyche,

The main sign of the First function is its EXCESS. If we feel that nature has endowed us with something not just enough, but even with some excess, then we can say with confidence that this is the First function.


Although a person usually amuses and cherishes his First Function, a feeling of some kind of trouble and even ugliness of the First Function doesn’t leave them, and especially other people around them

The first function highlights the rawest and most primal facets of human nature: selfishness, confidence, vulnerability, cruelty, and crudeness taken after in an unconscious nature. It must be recognized that the egoism, monologue, vulnerability, and rudeness of the First make it the most significant and bright, but not the best side of human nature.


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Attitudinal Psyche


Certain • Sufficient • Strong


Aggressive • Subjective • Vulnerable


Flippant • Distinctive • Local

When we combine the self-positive, and others-negative dispositions this position holds, we see that an orientation towards desiring results comes into play. This results focus is what gives the first position a flippant, distinct, and more specific feeling to it. The Confident Position wants to get the results they desire, and are extremely certain in how they reach these desires. They tend to guard their vulnerabilities at all costs, unwilling to let anyone take control of what they deem as integral to their lives.

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AP Subtypes


The 1-1 subtype is the easiest to identify because it is supremely confident and protective over its own understanding of the aspect held within. This is also the most common subtype for the confident attitude. This type believes that their greatest gift lies within their ability to come up with quick answers regarding the aspect and will refuse to mitigate its understanding to other parts of the personality. The tendency is for the 1-1 subtype to come up with precise monologues about their opinions. They can come off as rude, cruel, or snappy if one criticizes their confident aspect – but will not see themselves as being this way. Instead, they view their opinions as standalone and obvious, so the internal thoughts are, “Why would I need to explain, as what I said speaks for itself.” However, they are also aware of how they can be harmed and make sure they are constantly developing their skills within the aspect to avoid weakness.


The 1-2 subtype is the most openly fierce and fearless of the confident attitudes. They tend to overlay their confident aspect over top of their flexible aspect which creates a doubly strong energy that is quite visceral in nature – even if they have communicative aspects in those positions (Emotion & Logic). This subtype is attempting to hide all vulnerabilities by openly asserting what they believe while helping others come to the same conclusions that the 1-2 possesses themselves. Although they can come off flexible at first glance, the closer you become to this subtype, the easier it is to see just how one-sided they perceive information within the aspect. For this reason, the 1-2 subtype can tend to look like a seesaw. They will go from intense sharing of information, to cutting off anyone who disagrees with it and moving on. This subtype is most focused on the vulnerabilities that could incapacitate their first aspect, and they are highly aware of what that could be. This subtype seems to be quite rare.


The 1-3 subtype is the most raw about their own weaknesses and vulnerabilities. They recognize how they could be destroyed by others and tend to openly reference and discuss it more than any of the other confident subtypes. They internalize and worry about what could stop them from bringing their best to a situation and do not mind sharing it with others. There is an inclination to dig at what the truth is regarding their own nature. The 1-3 subtype needs to figure out how they could be harmed so they can protect their greatest gift. However, though they themselves are willing to share and be candid about what they are experiencing, this does not mean they want you to tell them what to do or how to live. They will resist outside opinions and downplay them as they believe their own candid nature is far superior to anyone else’s. The 1-3 subtype wants to perfect confidence by developing strategies to avoid the vulnerability that exists within.


The 1-4 subtype is the most hidden of the confident attitudes. This type is taking their vulnerability and burying it under a layer of analytics. They prefer to blend into situations rather than immediately assert their opinion like the 1-1 (accentuated) or 1-2 subtype. They will put their gift of strength within the aspect on standby until it is needed. The aggression is highly understood by the person with this subtype, and this is what differentiates it from the 4-1 subtype. However, this restraint can lead to situations where other people underestimate the power of the those with this subtype, and in-turn they feel shocked or surprised by the aggression that can come spilling out. This makes it more memorable for people, which is a defining feature of this type. The 1-4 subtype does not hesitate to share their opinions when prompted, they just prefer to keep a low profile as they believe this is the best way for them to honor their power within the first attitude.

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[1] Syntax of Love - 



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