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LVFE - "Lao Tzu" or "The Conductor"

Psyche Yoga Version:

Alexander Afanasyev used ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (which translates to "Old Master") as the namesake for the LVFE personality. Lao Tzu was the writer of Tao Te Ching, one of the original texts in the Chinese philosophical school of Taoism. Taoism follows the "Tao," which is usually translated to "Way," "Path", or, in more loose terms, "Doctrine." The Tao is the underlying principle of the entire universe which we must follow in order to perfect ourselves. The Tao is not a process, it is not debatable, and it is not up for discussion; it is a result, a dogma that can either be wholly accepted or fully rejected.

Naturally, the belief in such a nature of the Tao is evidence towards Lao Tzu's First Logic, which is uninclined to discuss matters of intellect and principle and prefers for them to be laid out dogmatically. Tao Te Ching is a monologue, not a dialogue, and is the culmination of decades of thought and study on the part of Lao Tzu. It is very well-organised and is carefully crafted to guide the reader through its principles. It also claims its truths to be universal, applying to all aspects of life and all beings in the universe. I'm certain that the reader recalls that universality and intellectual monologue are clear signs of First Logic.

Lao Tzu's Second Will is also evident in his writing and philosophy. Throughout the entirety of Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu is influenced by perhaps the most famous principle in all of Eastern philosophy; Yin and Yang. This principle describes how, throughout the entire universe, there are dualities whose polarities are opposite, yet equal. These polarities are complementary, interconnected, and cannot exist without one another (examples include man-woman, light-dark, good-evil, north-south.) Naturally, such a horizontal view of cosmic principles can only come about as a result of Second Will, which softens and nurtures the First Logic into a harmonious and egalitarian philosophy. 

While nothing points directly to the bottom two functions of the philosopher, we can deduce them through the process of elimination. His text is poetic, with natural flow and expression, hence eliminating the possibility of the Third Emotion, which suppresses and shuns all things mentioned here. Hence, we can deduce that Lao Tzu was in fact Fourth Emotion, leaving only Third Physics as a last option. 

One other notable exemplar of this personality is Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Even from a young age, Marcus studied philosophy, preferring to follow singular doctrines rather than fall into a need for speculation and an enthusiasm for rhetoric, eventually becoming one of the most famous Stoic philosophers of history. While he enjoyed sports, hunting, bird watching and other activities, he was always distracted by his philosophical studies. He was lawful, composed, serious, and concentrated. However, this did not diminish his friendliness, showing exceptional tact and the ability to hide the people away from any kind of evil. As a child, Marcus would insist on sleeping on the floor, and his mother had to persistently try to convince him to sleep in a bed. As a ruler, he was highly attentive to Rome's distribution of food during the famine, tightly limited the performances of the gladiators, and provided safety pillows for rope dancers. Following this description, Marcus Aurelius' order of functions should be obvious; First Logic, Second Will, Third Physics.[1]

"Lao Tzu's" Second Will softens and nurtures the otherwise authoritative doctrine of the First Logic, making the individual more receptive to other's opinions while not feeling the need to argue. They believe that philosophies should help individuals, thus arguing about them is pointless. While he is not insensitive, he is not easily influenced by drama and can easily tolerate the emotions of other people. He is more likely to keep level-headed and use logic to solve the issues at hand. "Lao Tzu" enjoys the company of those who are expressive and not shy to show their feelings. They are also very active and healthy, enjoying exercise and fitness.[2]

To summarise all that has been said, First Logic makes "Lao Tzu" a principled and lawful individual, calculated and logical in every decision he makes. Second Will gives him a quiet confidence and a gracious acceptance of other people. Third Physics makes him hyperactive, sensitive to issues of money and possessions, and more inclined towards asceticism. Fourth Emotion makes him indifferent to matters of creativity, poetry, and expression; while he himself appears cold, he does not mind other people expressing themselves as freely as they wish. 

[1] Syntax of Love Pages 100 - 102 
[2] Description of the LVFE type 

Attitudinal Psyche Version:


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